CSCI 134 - Spring 2020
Introduction to Computer Science
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Lectures from Before Spring Break
These lecture slides, Jupyter notebooks, and POGIL activities are from the course, prior to Spring Break and the pivot to remote offering of the course.
Jupyter Notebooks.
Shikha's lectures use Jupyter notebooks as a teaching aid. Jupyter notebooks
allow us to have a rich web-based interface to run interactive python examples.
The notebook for each lecture is distributed
here in the form of an html file, a pdf file, and finally the source 'ipynb' (read interactive python notebook) file.
How to read Jupyter Notebooks. Typing a command in a 'In[]' cell in a Jupyter notebook is the same as typing it in an interactive python session.
The 'Out[]' cell of the notebook gives the resulting output. Thus, Jupyter notebook is essentially an enhanced
way to use interactive python: it stores code examples that can be executed live and are rendered in a rich format.
Installing Jupyter Notebooks. All the lecture materials from the notebooks are available here in HTML and PDF format,
and you do not need to install the application. However, if you would like to play with Jupyter notebooks and execute the code in the cells, you
may download and install it by following the instructions here.
POGILs. Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) worksheets are intended for students to complete collaboratively (generally, in Iris' class). Hands-on activities lead to deep learning. Discussing with a partner leads to better learning as well! The worksheets are set-up to scaffold thinking like a computer scientist, so be sure to ask lots of questions as your group proceeds through the POGIL activities. POGILs are intended to introduce topics and support discovery of new concepts. You may not know the answer to every question, but if you're thinking about the problem-at-hand, making an educated guess, and discussing with your group, you're POGILing correctly!