CSCI 256 - Spring 2025

Algorithm Design and Analysis

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Links to lecture slides and files will be available after class on the date shown. In the readings, KT refers to the Kleinberg-Tardos textbook, whereas E refers to Erickson. When readings from both are suggested there will generally be some overlap between the two textbooks; students are not expected to read both.

**The schedule may change as the semester progresses---check back regularly!**

Part 1:

Date Lecture Sec 1 Slides Sec 2 Slides Reading

Feb 5 Introduction and Proofs of Correctness slides slides

Feb 10 Proofs & Asymptotics slides slides KT 1.1-1.2 or E 4.5

Feb 13 Stable Matchings & Intro to Graphs slides slides KT 3.1-3.2 or
E 5.1-5.3, 5.5-5.7

Feb 17 BFS, DFS slides slides KT 3.3-3.6 or
E 5.4, 6.1-6.2

Feb 20 DFS and Topological Sort slides slides KT 3.3-3.6 or
E 6.1-6.3, 6.5-6.6

Feb 24 Greedy Algorithms slides slides KT 4-4.2, 4.5-4.6 or
E 4.2, 7-7.2, 7.4-7.5

Feb 27 Dijkstra's Algorithm slides slides KT 4.4 or E 8.6

Mar 3 Minimum Spanning Trees slides slides KT 4.5-4.6 or
E 7-7.2, 7.4-7.5

March 6 Kruskal's MST Algorithm, Recap slides slides

Mar 10 Midterm 1

Part 2:

Date Lecture Sec 1 Slides Sec 2 Slides Reading

March 13 Divide and Conquer KT 5.1-5.3, 5.5 or
E 1.4-1.7, 1.9

March 17 Matrix Multiplication, Selection KT 6-6.2 or
E 1.8, 3.1

March 20 Dynamic Program: Memoized Recursion KT 6-6.2 or
E 3.1, 3.4

April 7 Dynamic Programming Examples KT 6.4, 6.6 or
E 3.7-3.8

April 10 More Dynamic Programming Examples KT 6.8 or E 8.7

Apr 14 Network Flows KT 7-7.3 or
E 10-10.4

April 17 Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm KT 7-7.3 or
E 10-10.4

April 21 Network Flows and Reductions KT 7-7.3, 7.5-7.6 or
E 10-10.4,11.1-11.4

April 24 Network Flows and Reductions Cont.

April 28 Midterm 2

Part 3:

Date Lecture Sec 1 Slides Sec 2 Slides Reading

May 1 No Class! KT 8.1-8.4 or
E 12.5-12.8

May 5 P, NP, and NP Completeness KT 8.1-8.4 or
E 12.5-12.8

May 8 NP Hardness Reductions KT 8.1-8.5 or
E 12.5-12.8

May 12 Approximation Algorithms KT 11.1-11.2

May 15 Review

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