CSCI 15 - Winter Study 2020

An Introduction to the Modern Internet

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Lecture Notes and Examples

Links to lecture slides and files will be available after class on the date shown.

**The schedule may change as the semester progresses---check back regularly!**

Date Lecture Articles Slides Reading
6 Jan The Internet: A series of tubes Article 1
Article 2a
Article 2b
Article 2c
Article 3a
Article 3b
Article 4a
Article 4b
Blown to Bits Chapter 1

8 Jan Bits, Protocols, and File Formats feep.pgm
Blown to Bits Chapter 3

9 Jan Internet Service Providers lec3
Why do Internet Exchange Points Play a Fundamental Role in the Internet Ecosystem? Up to 21.2.4 (Measuring node importance)

Skim these slides from Cisco about how ISPs share information. We will go over these ideas in class as well.

13 Jan Net Neutrality Net Neutrality in 2020:
Article 1a     Article 1b
Article 1c     Article 1d
Impact of Net Neutrality:
Article 2a     Article 2b
Article 2c     Article 2d
Bittorrent and throttling content:
Article 3a     Article 3b
Article 3c     Article 3d
Zero-rate providers:
Article 4a     Article 4b
Article 4c     Article 4d
Blown to Bits Appendix (The Internet as a System and Spirit)

15 Jan Privacy: What information are we giving out? lec5
Blown to Bits Chapter 2 until "Big Brother" (pages 19--48)

16 Jan Privacy: Encryption lec6
Blown to Bits Chapter 5

22 Jan Government Oversight: Privacy and Censorship UAE
Germany: 1 2
Latin America
Blown to Bits Chapter 2 after "Big Brother" (pages 48--72)

23 Jan Crowdsourcing and Human Computation lec8b

27 Jan Search Engines, the Structure of the Web, and the Deep Web Wikipedia1: Skygate
Wikipedia2: Paitstu Parish
Wikipedia3: Laura Berman
Wikipedia4: Bie Tingfang

Random article generator

29 Jan The Social Web Facebook's ads page
Facebook's Audience Insights
News about Facebook data selling

30 Jan AI and Deep Learning Neural Networks video
Adversarial image recognition example