Course Changes
2020-04-15. Clarification on reading responses.
I neglected to mention in the syllabus that the second half of the class will no longer have reading responses. You should, however, continue to do the reading, as it will be needed for weekly quizzes, labs, and the final project. The revised syllabus has been updated.
The complete list of weekly class activities is in yesterday’s update below. Along with the final project, those things constitute the entirety of the work you need to submit in this course.
2020-04-14. Here are the major course changes so far:
- Pass/fail! Grades are therefore informational, but will not be reported to the registrar.
- Lectures are asynchronous, and will be posted on GLOW in the “Course Media Gallery”. I will try to get these posted by 1pm Tue/Thurs. GLOW takes a surprisingly long time to process videos, so if there is a delay in posting, that’s usually why.
- Lectures will usually be broken into smaller, self-contained modules to make it easier for you to find/rewatch the content you are looking for.
- The following things are due every week
- Collaborative activity (assigned: Sun, due: following Sun by 11:59pm)
- Graded quiz (assigned: Sun, due: following Sun by 11:59pm)
- Lab assignment (assigned: Sun, due: following Sun by 11:59pm)
- Feedback (assigned: Sun, due: following Sun by 11:59pm)
You are encouraged (but not required) to do the above activities in the order listed. E.g., you should probably start with the collaborative activity, and do it during the week. The quiz will usually test you on knowledge developed in the activity. Finally, both the activity and the quiz are intended to prepare you for the lab. You might do the feedback last to let me know whether you feel like the ideas you were expected to use were adequately explained to you during the week– but you can also just fill out the feedback at any time.
- Due dates are as listed except for lab due dates, which are “soft due dates.” This means that you can hand in labs at any time until the end of the semester, but that we will need to see labs by the due date if you want feedback. Only labs submitted by the due date can be resubmitted.
- We will use Piazza for Q&A.
- TAs have been reassigned and will use Zoom for help hours.
- There is a new syllabus that lists all of the course changes.
2020-03-13. Nothing here yet. Stay tuned!