Prompt for "An Empirical Study of the Reliability of UNIX Utilities"

Due on Wednesday, November 3 by 11:59pm

Write a technical paper review, and in your discussion, please address the following question.

  1. Do you think that fuzz testing would find problems in modern programs as effectively as it did thirty years ago? Why or why not?

Turn-in instructions: commit your response to your reading responses Github repository. Please use the LaTeX template supplied in your repository. Be sure to turn in both your source .tex file and a compiled .pdf file.

You can generate a PDF from the template with the command:
$ pdflatex reading06.tex
Please be sure to name your generated PDF reading06.pdf. You will need to install TeXLive on your personal computer to build LaTeX documents: macOS, Windows, Linux. CS Lab machines already have TeXLive installed.
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