CSCI 136 :: Spring 2021
Data Structures & Advanced Programming
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Lab 10: Exam Scheduling
This week, you will write a program (that could be used) to schedule final exams for the
Registrar so that no student has two exams at the same time.
The goals of this lab are to:
• Gain experience using basic graph building and traversal
• Develop a fairly sophisticated algorithm requiring several
coordinated data structures.
You will use a greedy algorithm to determine an assignment of
classes to exam slots such that:
• No student is enrolled in two courses assigned to the same exam slot.
• Any attempt to combine two exam slots into one slot would violate rule 1.
The second requirement ensures that we do not gratuitously waste exam
slots (students would like to start their breaks as soon as possible,
after all).
Program Input
Before describing the solution strategy, let's examine the data. The input to your program will be a text file containing (fictitious) student class information. For example:
Bill Lenhart CSCI 136 MATH 251 ENGL 201 PHIL 101 Bill Jannen PSYC 212 ENGL 201 HIST 301 CSCI 136 Sam McCauley SOCI 201 CSCI 136 MATH 251 PSYC 212
For each student, there will be five consecutive lines. The first line is a student's name, and the next four are the courses for that student. In the above example:
We will provide small, medium, and large input files in your starter repository so you can test your program.
Note that whenever you process data in the "real world", your code should carefully handle inputs that are not properly formatted. For the purpose of this lab, however, you can assume that all files are properly formatted and that all students take exactly four courses.
Program Output
The output of your program should be a schedule that satisfies two constraints:
This schedule should be provided as a list of time slots with the courses whose final will be given at that slot. For example, the output below describes a valid schedule for the student data above [1]:
Slot 1: HIST 301 PHIL 101 SOCI 201 Slot 2: CSCI 136 Slot 3: ENGL 201 Slot 4: MATH 251 Slot 5: PSYC 212
An Overview of the Algorithm
The key to doing this assignment is to build a graph as you read in the file of students and their schedules, where:
Thus if there are only the three students listed above, the graph would be as given below (edges without a weight label have weight 1).
A greedy algorithm to find an exam schedule satisfying our two constraints would work as follows. Choose a course (say, PHIL 101) and stick it in the first time slot. Search for a course to which it is not connected. If you find one (e.g., HIST 301), add it to the time slot. Now try to find another which is not connected to any of those already in the time slot. If you find one (e.g., SOCI 201), add it to the time slot. Continue until all nodes in the graph are connected to at least one element in the time slot. When this happens, no more courses can be added to the time slot (why?). By the way, the final set of elements in the time slot is said to be a maximal independent set in the graph. Once you have this set, you could remove them from the graph, or you could mark them as visited and then ignore them in future passes. Below we'll assume that we've removed them from the graph.
If there are remaining nodes in the graph (there should be!), pick one and make it part of a new time slot, then try adding other courses to this new slot as described above. Continue adding time slots for remaining courses until all courses are taken care of. Then print the exam schedule. For the graph shown, here is one solution:
Slot 1: PHIL 101, HIST 301, SOCI 201 Slot 2: MATH 251 Slot 3: CSCI 136 Slot 4: ENGL 201 Slot 5: PSYC 212
Notice that no pair of time slots can be combined without creating a time conflict with a student. Unfortunately, this is not the minimal schedule as one can be formed with only four time slots. (See if you can find one!) Thus, if a greedy algorithm of this sort gives you a schedule with x slots, no two of which can be combined, a different selection of courses in slots may result in fewer than x slots. Any schedule satisfying our constraints will be acceptable (although see below for extension ideas to compute the optimal solution).
More Details
We recommend that you use a list-based graph implementation rather than a matrix-based one. (Why does that make the most sense for this application? Think about the relative strengths of list-based and matrix-based graph representations as you implement the lab.)
In your GraphListUndirected graph, Vertex labels should be the course names. It likely makes sense to use Integer values for Edge labels, but depending on your implementation, there is no need to keep the Edge labels up-to-date.
You should develop a Student class that stores information about each student. This likely includes their name and the list of courses they are taking (although there are always four courses, you might want a dynamic list, like a Vector to allow for the potential of students with variable courseloads).
Here is one possible way to find a collection of maximal independent sets from the graph (a more concrete description of the greedy algorithm described above): represent each "slot" by some sort of a list (or, if you're implementing some of the extensions, consider a binary search tree). To find a maximal independent set for a slot, pick any vertex of the graph and add it to the list. Then, iterate through all other vertices of the graph; if a vertex is not connected to any of the vertices already in the slot, add that vertex to the slot. Continue until you have tried all vertices. Now delete from the graph all vertices that you added to the slot[2]. Continue to fill successive slots in the same way until there are no vertices left in the graph.
Think carefully about the tasks in this lab. Identify the
concrete steps. You should make helper methods that perform each
of those concrete steps. In your
file, good helper methods will likely be static
methods that are passed Vectors, Graphs, or other data
structures as parameters. The reason for this design is that
there isn't really a strong notion of a logical "ExamScheduler"
object, so defining local variables rather global member
variables will mean that you have more control over the scope
and lifetime of your data structures.
Note that you are required to submit one of the extensions described in the next section. Read through the list of extensions before you design your schedule-building algorithm: The extension(s) you choose to implement may benefit from the choices of data structures that make here!
For full credit on this lab, please complete one of the extensions to the program described below. You can choose whichever of the extensions below that you wish. If you would like to explore the problem at a deeper level or apply other concepts we have learned so far this semester, we encourage you to try more than one of the extensions, but you are only required to choose one. Some of these extensions are easier than others, but in our experience, the more challenging extensions are also more interesting!
Feel free to add other features as well. Be sure sure to indicate in the heading of your program (in comments) which extension(s) you have included.
For this lab, we will be not be adding any
new checkstyle
rules to the set of rules that we
have used in previous weeks.
We STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to run checkstyle early and often when developing your code, and try to program in a way that minimizes WARNING messages. The checkstyle rules that we use in this course are based on real-world style guides; internalizing good style practices will help us write more readable code.
In total, checkstyle will enforce the following guidelines:
must be
declared private
or protected
no public
member variables unless they are
constants). (We don't expect this to be an issue this week.)
methods must include a “Javadoc” comment
(starts with /**
and ends with */
it should include descriptions of the function at the top,
descriptions of return values after a @return
descriptions of each argument after a @param
and pre/post conditions after the @pre
or @post
To run checkstyle
, you would type the following
command at the terminal:
$ ./checkstyle
The ./
is peculiar to Unix: it tells the terminal
to look for the checkstyle
program in the current
directory. This command will run checkstyle
every Java program in your directory. To
run checkstyle
on a specific Java file, type:
$ ./checkstyle
Lab Deliverables
Please complete and submit the following items in your repository:
Submitting Your Lab
As you complete various milestones, you should commit your changes and push them. Commit early and often. When the deadline arrives, we will retrieve the latest version of your code. If you are confident that you are done, please include "Lab Submission" as the commit message for your final commit. If you later decide that you have more edits to make, it is OK. We will look at the latest commit before the deadline.
We will know that the files are yours because they are in your git repository. Do not include identifying information in the code that you submit. Our goal is to grade the programs anonymously to avoid any bias. However, in your file, please cite any sources of inspiration or collaboration (e.g., conversations with classmates). We take the honor code very seriously, and so should you. Please include the statement "I am the sole author of the work in this repository." in the comments at the top your java files.
[1] Different implementations of the algorithm may lead to different
[2] Or just mark them as visited and ignore them in future passes.
Can you think of a reason why this might be better or worse than
deleting them?