CSCI 136 :: Spring 2021
Data Structures & Advanced Programming
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Midterm Exam Material
The exam may include anything we covered in assigned lecture videos
or in lab up to and including Sorting.
The lecture videos often correspond to (supplementary) readings from
Java Structures (Chapters 1-7 and Chapter 9).
You may wish to review some of these chapters if there are concepts that were unclear
or where you would like to practice.
However, we will not be including any questions on material
that was not discussed in the assigned lecture videos, conferences, or labs.
Key Course Topics
The following non-exhaustive list may be helpful to recall
some of the key topics we have covered:
Java syntax, compilation, and debugging, as covered in our programming assignments
Classes (both concrete and abstract), interfaces,
and the roles that concrete classes, abstract classes, and interfaces play in
program design
Information hiding (abstraction as a concept):
- Why it is good
- familiarity with the Java language features that support these ideas
Extending classes with inheritance
Generic classes
, Association<K,V>
, etc.) and their use
Pre-conditions, post-conditions, and assertions
The meaning of
(and non-static) as applied to
variables and methods
, its implementation in the structure5
and its methods
- Complexity: Big O definition:
- Determining the asymptotic behavior of mathematical functions
- Determining the time and space complexity for a given
algorithm/piece of code.
- Worst and best case analysis (and why they might differ).
- Linked lists (Singly, Doubly, and Circularly linked lists):
Note In the Linked List lab,
we modified the standard doubly linked list implementation
by adding ``dummy nodes’’.
You also should be familiar with the standard implementation as described in
class and in the textbook (i.e., lists without dummy nodes).
Recursion and induction
- Sorting:
A working understanding of the Bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort,
merge sort, and quicksort algorithms
The benefits/trade-offs of using
classes and the
Some Strategies for Studying
There are many ways to approach studying, and ultimately, there is
no one strategy that works "best" for everyone. Our hope is that
you will use this page to decide the best way for you to
prepare. Below we have listed some resources that are available to
Work through the sample exam (which includes some questions from
previous semesters) that we've posted to the schedule page.
It is representative of the style of the questions that
we would ask, even if the distribution of some of the topics
doesn't match the emphasis we've placed on them this semester.
Compare your solutions against the sample solutions we've
posted after you've thought through the questions.
For more in-depth discussion of specific questions, watch the
sample exam video that will be posted to the course webpage.
Review any slides/videos on the schedule page where the material wasn't
clear before conference. If you still have questions, please ask
Review the code that we've posted on the schedule page. It is
often heavily commented and related to one of the recent topics.
Review the labs that you've completed.
If you want more practice, the textbook has questions at the end
of each chapter. The solutions to select questions are given in
the back of the book.