CSCI 136 - Fall 2019

Data Structures & Advanced Programming

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Lab 3: Recursion, Recursion, Recursion, ...

We love recursion. Recursion is a powerful design technique, but it can be a difficult concept to master, and it is worth concentrating on in isolation before using in large programs. Thus, this week's lab is structured as several small problems that can be solved separately from one another—although we suggest you work on them in the order given!

The goals of this lab are:
• To practice writing recursive programs.
• To solve a variety of interesting algorithmic problems.
• To program your brain to begin to think recursively.

Recursive solutions can often be formulated in just a few concise, elegant lines, but they can be very subtle and hard to get right. A small error in a recursive method gets magnified by the many recursive calls and so an incorrect method can have somewhat surprising behavior. So, while each problem will have a fairly short solution, it may take you a while to find it—give it time!

The Tao of Recursion

Take time to figure out how each problem is recursive in nature and how you could formulate the solution to the problem if you already had the solution to a smaller, simpler version of the same problem. You will need to depend on a recursive "leap of faith" to write the solution in terms of a problem you haven't solved yet. Be sure to take care of your base case(s) lest you end up in infinite recursion—which can have somewhat spectacular (not in the good way) results....

The great thing about recursion is that once you learn to think recursively, recursive solutions to problems seem very intuitive. (Did we mention that we love recursion...?) Spend some time on these problems and you'll be much better prepared when you are faced with more sophisticated recursive problems in the wild.

PRE-LAB Step 0: Warm-up Problems

Given the structure of this lab, a full design doc is not required this week. However, as always, you should read through the lab carefully and think about how you will structure your solutions. If possible, sketch a written design for the warm-up problems described below, and bring it to lab on Wednesday.

Brainstorming can be very useful when learning to think recursively. So, feel free work with a partner in lab this week, if you'd like. You can work on the Prelab warm-up problems before lab with a larger group, even if you do not work with that group during the rest of the lab.

If you would like to work with a partner, we need to know in advance so we can create a shared private repository. Please complete this short Google Form by 4:00 pm on Monday so we may create your repositories. Both partners should complete the form.

PRE-LAB Warmup Problem 0.1: Digit Sum

Write a recursive method digitSum that takes a non-negative integer and returns the sum of its digits. For example, digitSum(1234) returns 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10. Your method should take advantage of the fact that it is easy to break a number into two smaller pieces by dividing by 10 (i.e., 1234/10 = 123 and 1234%10 = 4). For these methods, we do not need to construct any objects. Therefore, you can declare them to be static methods and call them directly from main:

            public static int digitSum(int n) { ... }

PRE-LAB Warmup Problem 0.2: Subset Sum

Subset Sum is an important and classic problem in computer science. Given a set of integers and a target number, your goal is to find a subset of those numbers that sum to the target number. For example, given the set {3, 7, 1, 8, -3} and the target sum 4, the subset {3, 1} sums to 4. On the other hand, if the target sum were 2, the result is false since there is no subset that sums to 2. The prototype for this method is:

            public static boolean canMakeSum(int setOfNums[], int targetSum)

Assume that the array contains setOfNums.length numbers (i.e., it is completely full). Note that you are not asked to print the subset members, just return true or false. You will likely need a helper method to pass additional information through the recursive calls. What additional information would be useful to track?

Lab Programs

For each problem below, you must thoroughly test your code to verify it correctly handles all reasonable cases. For example, for the "Digit Sum" warm-up, you could use test code to call your method in a loop to allow the user to repeatedly enter numbers that are fed to your method until you are satisfied. Testing is necessary to be sure you have handled all the different cases. You can leave your testing code in the file you submit—there is no need to remove it.
For each exercise, we specify the method signature. Your method must exactly match that prototype (same name, same arguments, and same return type). You may need to add additional helper methods for some of these questions; these functions may have different arguments but must have the same return type. Your solutions must be recursive, even if you can come up with an iterative alternative.

Problem 1: Counting Cannonballs

Spherical objects, such as cannonballs, can be stacked to form a pyramid with one cannonball at the top, sitting on top of a square composed of four cannonballs, sitting on top of a square composed of nine cannonballs, and so forth. Write a recursive method countCannonballs that takes as its argument the height of a pyramid of cannonballs and returns the number of cannonballs it contains. The prototype for the method should be as follows:

            public static int countCannonballs(int height)

Problem 2: Palindromes

Write a recursive method isPalindrome that takes a string and returns true if it is the same when read forwards or backwards. For example,

	isPalindrome("mom")   → true
	isPalindrome("cat")   → false
	isPalindrome("level") → true

The prototype for the method should be as follows:

            public static boolean isPalindrome(String str)

You may assume the input string contains no spaces.

Special cases: Is the empty string a palindrome?

Problem 3: Balancing Parentheses

In the syntax of most programming languages, there are characters that occur only in nested pairs, called bracketing operators. Java, for example, has these bracketing operators:

            ( . . . )
            [ . . . ]
            { . . . }

In a properly formed program, these characters will be properly nested and matched. To determine whether this condition holds for a particular program, you can ignore all the other characters and look simply at the pattern formed by the parentheses, brackets, and braces. In a legal configuration, all the operators match up correctly, as shown in the following example:

            { ( [ ] ) ( [ ( ) ] ) }

The following configurations, however, are illegal for the reasons stated:

	( ( [ ] )      → The line is missing a close parenthesis.
	) (            → The close parenthesis comes before the open parenthesis.
	{ ( } )        → The parentheses and braces are improperly nested.

Write a recursive method

            public static boolean isBalanced(String str)

that takes a string str from which all characters except the bracketing operators have been removed. The method should return true if the bracketing operators in str are balanced, which means that they are correctly nested and aligned. If the string is not balanced, the method returns false.

Although there are many other ways to implement this operation, you should code your solution so that it embodies the recursive insight that a string consisting only of bracketing characters is balanced if and only if one of the following conditions holds:

For example, the string "[(){}]" is shown to be balanced by the following chain of calls:

          isBalanced("[(){}]")   →
            isBalanced("[{}]")   →
              isBalanced("[]")   →
                isBalanced("")   → true

(Hint: Using the above example, can you reason backwards about how the code might be structured?)

Problem 4: Substrings

Write a method:

            public static void substrings(String str)

that prints out all substrings (even non-contiguous substrings) of the letters in str. For example:

           substring("ABC") → "", "A", "B", "C", "AB", "AC", "BC", "ABC"

Printing order does not matter. You may find it useful to write a helper method

            public static void substringHelper(String str, String soFar)

that is initially called as substringHelper(str, ""). The variable soFar keeps track of the characters currently in the substring you are building. To process str you must:

Continue until str has no more characters in it.

Problem 5: Print In Binary

Computers represent integers as sequences of bits. A bit is a single digit in the binary number system and can therefore have only the value 0 or 1. The table below shows the first few integers represented in binary:

          binary | decimal
               0 | 0
               1 | 1
              10 | 2
              11 | 3
             100 | 4
             101 | 5
             110 | 6

Each entry in the left side of the table is written in its standard binary representation, in which each bit position counts for twice as much as the position to its right. For instance, you can demonstrate that the binary value 110 represents the decimal number 6 by following this logic:

          place value   → 4   2   1
                          ×   ×   ×
          binary digits → 1   1   0
                          ↓   ↓   ↓ 
                          4 + 2 + 0 = 6

Basically, this is a base-2 number system instead of the decimal (base-10) system we are familiar with. Write a recursive method

          public static void printInBinary(int number)

that prints the binary representation for a given integer. For example, calling printInBinary(3) would print 11. Your method may assume the integer parameter is always non-negative.

(Hint: You can identify the least significant binary digit by using the modulus operator with value 2 (ie., number % 2). For example, given the integer 35, the value 35 % 2 = 1 tells you that the last binary digit must be 1 (ie., this number is odd), and division by 2 gives you the remaining portion of the integer (17). You will probably want to use the method System.out.print in the problem. It is just like System.out.println, but does not follow the output with a new line.)

Problem 6: Extending Subset Sum

You are to write two modified versions of the canMakeSum method:

Optional Problem: Cell Phone Mind Reading

Entering text using the digit keys on a phone is problematic, in that there are only 10 digits for 26 letters and thus each digit key is mapped to several letters. Some cell phones require you to "multitap": tap the 2 key once for 'a', twice for 'b' and three times for 'c', which gets tedious.

Technology like Tegic's T9 predictive text allows the user to press each digit key once and based on the user's sequence so far, it guesses which letters were intended, having found the possible completions for the sequence. For example, if the user types the digit sequence "72", there are nine possible mappings (pa, pb, pc, ra, rb, rc, sa, sb, sc). Three of these mappings seem promising (pa, ra, sa) because they are prefixes of words such as "party" and "sandwich", while the other mappings can be ignored since they lead nowhere. If the user enters "9956", there are 81 possible mappings, but you can be assured the user meant "xylo" since that is the only mapping that is a prefix of any English words.

You are to implement an algorithm to find the possible completions for a digit sequence. The listCompletions method is given the user's digit sequence and a Lexicon object. The method will print all English words that can be formed by extending that sequence. For example, here is the list of completions for "72547":


We will provide a Lexicon class that serves as a dictionary of English words for you to use. Your recursive method will take the lexicon as a parameter. Here are the important parts of the lexicon interface:

        public class Lexicon {
           * Loads a lexicon from the specified file. 
          public Lexicon(String fileName) 
           * Returns true if the word is contained in the lexicon.
          public boolean contains(String word)

           * This method returns true if any words in the lexicon begin with the
           * specified prefix, false otherwise. A word is defined to be a prefix of
           * itself and the empty string is a prefix of everything.
          public boolean containsPrefix(String prefix)


Some hints to get you started:

Your program should first create the lexicon and then pass it, along with a digit sequence to your method:

        public static void listCompletions(String digitSequence, Lexicon lex) { ... }

        public static void main(String args[]) {
          Lexicon lexicon = new Lexicon("lexicon.dat");
          listCompletions("72547", lexicon);

Lab Deliverables

By the start of lab, you should see a new private repository called cs136lab3-{USERNAMES} in your GitHub account (where USERNAME is replaced by your GitHub username if you are working alone, or you and your partner's username if you choose to work together). Inside the repository, you should see the following files:

The file contains starter code, and you should write all of your functions inside that file. Since we are learning about running times and big-O analysis in lecture, for this lab, include the running time (in big-O notation) for each method—with a brief justification—in the comments above each method. These runtimes replace the typical thought questions for this week; they are part of your lab evaluation.

Submitting Your Lab

As you complete portions of this lab, you should commit your changes and push them. Commit early and often. When the deadline arrives, we will retrieve the latest version of your code. If you are confident that you are done, please use the phrase "Lab Submission" as the commit message for your final commit. If you later decide that you have more edits to make, it is OK. We will look at the latest commit before the deadline.

We will know that the files are yours because they are in your git repository. Do not include identifying information in the code that you submit. We grade your lab programs anonymously to avoid bias. In your file, please cite any sources of inspiration or collaboration (e.g., conversations with classmates). We take the honor code very seriously, and so should you. Please include the statement "I am the sole author of the work in this repository." in the comments at the top your Java files.