module Blub open BlubAST open BlubParser open System (* Represents a variable environment *) type Env = Map (* prettyprint * Prints out Blub expressions all pretty-like. * The moral equivalent of toString in Java. *) let rec prettyprint (e: Expr) : string = match e with | Num n -> string n | EString s -> s | Variable v -> "Variable(" + v + ")" | Assignment (e1, e2) -> "Assignment(" + (prettyprint e1) + ", " + (prettyprint e2) + ")" | Plus (e1, e2) -> "Plus(" + (prettyprint e1) + ", " + (prettyprint e2) + ")" | Print e -> "Print(" + (prettyprint e) + ")" | Sequence es -> let pe = es |> prettyprint "Sequence(" + String.Join(",", pe) + ")" (* eval * The Blub interpreter! * Always takes in an expression and an environment, and * always returns an expression and an updated environment. * * Blub does not statically check data types; it does * perform dynamic checks in some places. * However, Blub is "closed" under all Blub operations, * meaning that a Blub expression will never return * something that isn't a Blub expression. *) let rec eval (e: Expr)(env: Env) : Expr*Env = match e with (* Number literals return themselves *) | Num n -> Num n, env (* String literals return themselves *) | EString s -> EString s, env (* Evaluating a variable returns its value in * the environment. Fails if the variable is not * in the environment. *) | Variable v -> if env.ContainsKey v then let value = env.Item v value, env else failwith ("Undefined variable '" + v + "'") (* Assignment evaluates the right hand side, then * stores that evaluated result in the variable * indicated by the left hand side. Fails if the * left hand side is not a variable. *) | Assignment (e1,e2) -> match e1 with | Variable v -> let e2', env' = eval e2 env let env'' = env'.Add (v, e2') e2', env'' | _ -> failwith "Left side of assignment must be a variable." (* Returns the sum of two numbers. * Fails if the left hand and right hand sides do * not evaluate to numbers. *) | Plus (e1, e2) -> let e1', env' = eval e1 env let e2', env'' = eval e2 env' match e1', e2' with | Num n1, Num n2 -> Num (n1 + n2), env'' | _ -> failwith "Addition operands must evaluate to numeric type." (* Evaluates a value, prints it to the console, and * then returns it. Printing uses Blub's built-in * pretty printer because people are shallow and * apparently looks are all that matters. *) | Print e -> let e', env' = eval e env printfn "%s" (prettyprint e') e', env' (* Evaluates a sequence of values, returning * the last one in the sequence. *) | Sequence es -> match es with | [] -> failwith "Empty sequence not allowed." | [e] -> eval e env | e::es' -> let e',env' = eval e env let s = Sequence es' eval s env'