(* A simple combinator-style parsing library for F#. Inspired by the Hutton & Meijer paper as well as the FParsec combinator library. Other than being much smaller, this library trades away performance for simplicity. If you need a fast library, look at FParsec. Version: 1.4 (2019-12-02) *) module Parser open System open System.Text.RegularExpressions // input string * pos * debug type Input = string * int * bool (* Use this to prepare a rich string for normal parsing operation *) let prepare(input: string) : Input = input, 0, false (* Use this to prepare a rich string for grammar debugging *) let debug(input: string) : Input = input, 0, true let input i = let (e,_,_) = i e let position i = let (_,e,_) = i e let isEOF i = let pos = position i let len = String.length (input i) pos >= len let isDebug i = let (_,_,e) = i e type Outcome<'a> = | Success of result: 'a * remaining: Input | Failure of fail_pos: int * rule: string type Parser<'a> = Input -> Outcome<'a> let recparser() = let dumbparser = fun (input: Input) -> failwith "You forgot to initialize your recursive parser." let r = ref dumbparser (fun (input: Input) -> !r input), r let cToHex(c: char) = "0x" + System.Convert.ToByte(c).ToString("x2");; let ()(p: Parser<'a>)(label: string)(i: Input) : Outcome<'a> = // if debugging is enabled... if (isDebug i) then if (input i).Length - (position i) > 0 then printfn "[attempting: %s on \"%s\", next char: %s]" label (input i) (cToHex (input i).[0]) else printfn "[attempting: %s on \"%s\", next char: EOF]" label (input i) let o = p i match o with | Success(a, i') -> let i1pos = position i let i2pos = position i' let istr = input i let nconsumed = i2pos - i1pos let iconsumed = istr.Substring(i1pos, i2pos - i1pos) let rem = istr.[i2pos..] if istr.Length - i2pos > 0 then printfn "[success: %s, consumed: \"%s\", remaining: \"%s\", next char: %s]" label iconsumed rem (cToHex rem.[0]) else printfn "[success: %s, consumed: \"%s\", remaining: \"%s\", next char: EOF]" label iconsumed rem | Failure(pos,rule) -> let rem = (input i).[pos..] if rem.Length > 0 then printfn "[failure at pos %d in rule %s: %s, remaining input: \"%s\", next char: %s]" pos rule label rem (cToHex rem.[0]) else printfn "[failure at pos %d in rule %s: %s, remaining input: \"%s\", next char: EOF]" pos rule label rem o // if debugging is disabled else p i let is_regexp(s: string)(rgx: string) = Regex.Match(s, rgx).Success let is_whitespace(c: char) = is_regexp (c.ToString()) @"\s" let is_whitespace_no_nl(c: char) = is_regexp (c.ToString()) @"\t| " let is_upper(c: char) = is_regexp (c.ToString()) @"[A-Z]" let is_lower(c: char) = is_regexp (c.ToString()) @"[a-z]" let is_letter(c: char) = is_upper c || is_lower c let is_digit(c: char) = is_regexp (c.ToString()) @"[0-9]" let presult(a: 'a)(i: Input) : Outcome<'a> = Success(a,i) let pzero(i: Input) : Outcome<'a> = Failure((position i), "pzero") let pitem(i: Input) : Outcome = let pos = position i let istr = input i if pos >= String.length istr then Failure ((position i),"pitem") else let debug = isDebug i let pos = position i Success (istr.[pos], (istr, pos + 1, debug)) let pbind(p: Parser<'a>)(f: 'a -> Parser<'b>)(i: Input) : Outcome<'b> = match p i with | Success(a,i') -> f a i' | Failure(pos,rule) -> Failure(pos,rule) let pseq(p1: Parser<'a>)(p2: Parser<'b>)(f: 'a*'b -> 'c) : Parser<'c> = pbind p1 (fun a -> pbind p2 (fun b -> presult (f (a,b)) ) ) let psat(f: char -> bool) : Parser = pbind pitem (fun c -> if (f c) then presult c else pzero) let pchar(c: char) : Parser = psat (fun c' -> c' = c) let pletter : Parser = psat is_letter let pdigit : Parser = psat is_digit let pupper : Parser = psat is_upper let plower : Parser = psat is_lower let (<|>)(p1: Parser<'a>)(p2: Parser<'a>)(i: Input) : Outcome<'a> = let o = p1 i match o with | Success(_,_) -> o | Failure(pos,rule) -> let o2 = p2 i match o2 with | Success(_,_) -> o2 | Failure(pos2,rule2) -> // return the furthest failure if pos >= pos2 then Failure(pos,rule) else Failure(pos2,rule2) let pfun(p: Parser<'a>)(f: 'a -> 'b)(i: Input) : Outcome<'b> = let o = p i match o with | Success(a,i') -> Success(f a, i') | Failure(pos,rule) -> Failure(pos,rule) let (|>>)(p: Parser<'a>)(f: 'a -> 'b) : Parser<'b> = pfun p f let pfresult(p: Parser<'a>)(x: 'b) : Parser<'b> = pbind p (fun a -> presult x) let rec pmany0(p: Parser<'a>)(i: Input) : Outcome<'a list> = let rec pm0(xs: 'a list)(i: Input) : Outcome<'a list> = match p i with | Failure(pos,rule) -> Success(xs, i) | Success(a, i') -> if i = i' then failwith "pmany parser loops infinitely!" pm0 (a::xs) i' match pm0 [] i with | Success(xs,i') -> Success(List.rev xs, i') | Failure(pos,rule) -> Failure(pos,rule) let pmany1(p: Parser<'a>) : Parser<'a list> = pseq p (pmany0 p) (fun (x,xs) -> x :: xs) let pwsNoNL0 : Parser = pmany0 (psat is_whitespace_no_nl) let pwsNoNL1 : Parser = pmany1 (psat is_whitespace_no_nl) let pws0 : Parser = pmany0 (psat is_whitespace) let pws1 : Parser = pmany1 (psat is_whitespace) let pstr(s: string) : Parser = s.ToCharArray() |> Array.fold (fun pacc c -> pseq pacc (pchar c) (fun (s,ch) -> s + ch.ToString()) ) (presult "") let pnl : Parser = (psat (fun c -> c = '\n') |>> (fun c -> c.ToString())) <|> (pstr "\r\n") let peof(i: Input) : Outcome = match pitem i with | Failure(pos,rule) -> if isEOF i then Success(true, i) else Failure(pos, rule) | Success(_,_) -> Failure((position i), "peof") let pleft(pleft: Parser<'a>)(pright: Parser<'b>) : Parser<'a> = pbind pleft (fun a -> pfresult pright a) let pright(pleft: Parser<'a>)(pright: Parser<'b>) : Parser<'b> = pbind pleft (fun _ -> pright) let pbetween(popen: Parser<'a>)(pclose: Parser<'b>)(p: Parser<'c>) : Parser<'c> = pright popen (pleft p pclose) let stringify(cs: char list) : string = String.Join("", cs) let rec leftpad str ch num = if num > 0 then leftpad (ch.ToString() + str) ch (num - 1) else str let windowLeftIndex(window_sz: int)(failure_pos: int) : int = if failure_pos - window_sz < 0 then 0 else failure_pos - window_sz let windowRightIndex(window_sz: int)(failure_pos: int)(buffer_len: int) : int = if failure_pos + window_sz >= buffer_len then buffer_len - 1 else failure_pos + window_sz let indexOfLastNewlineLeftWindow(left_index: int)(failure_pos: int)(buffer: string) : int = // search for last occurrence of '\n' let rec searchBackward(pos: int) : int option = if pos <= left_index then None else if buffer.[pos] = '\n' then Some pos else searchBackward (pos - 1) match searchBackward (failure_pos - 1) with | Some idx -> idx | None -> left_index let indexOfFirstNewlineRightWindow(right_index: int)(failure_pos: int)(buffer: string) : int = // search for first occurrence of '\n' let rec searchForward(pos: int) : int option = if pos >= right_index then None else if buffer.[pos] = '\n' then Some pos else searchForward (pos + 1) match searchForward (failure_pos + 1) with | Some idx -> idx | None -> right_index (* * Produce a diagnostic message for a parser failure. * @param window_sz The amount of context (in chars) to show to the left and right of the failure position. * @param failure_pos Where the parse failed. * @param buffer The input stream. * @param err The error message. *) let diagnosticMessage(window_sz: int)(failure_pos: int)(buffer: string)(err: string) : string = // compute window let left_idx = windowLeftIndex window_sz failure_pos let right_idx = windowRightIndex window_sz failure_pos buffer.Length let last_nl_left = indexOfLastNewlineLeftWindow left_idx failure_pos buffer let first_nl_right = indexOfFirstNewlineRightWindow right_idx failure_pos buffer // find caret position in last line let caret_pos = failure_pos - last_nl_left // create window string let window = buffer.Substring(left_idx, failure_pos - left_idx + 1 + right_idx - failure_pos) // augment with diagnostic info let diag = err + "\n\n" + window + "\n" + (leftpad "^" ' ' (caret_pos - 1)) + "\n" diag