// An implementation of a priority queue in a vector. // (c) 1998, 2001, 2002 duane a. bailey package structure5; /** * This class implements a priority queue based on a traditional * array-based heap. Most heap operations, including insert and remove, * execute in logarithmic time, but the minimum element can be returned * in constant time. * *

* Example usage: *

* To print out a list of programmers sorted by age we could use the following: *

 * public static void main(String[] argv){
 *      //initialize a new fib heap
 *      VectorHeap programmers = new {@link #VectorHeap()};
 *      //add programmers and their ages to heap
 *      //ages current of 7/22/2002
 *      //add programmers and their ages to heap
 *      //ages current of 7/22/2002
 *        programmers.{@link #add(Comparable) add(new ComparableAssociation(new Integer(22), "Evan"))};
 *      programmers.add(new ComparableAssociation(new Integer(19), "Chris"));
 *      programmers.add(new ComparableAssociation(new Integer(20), "Shimon"));
 *      programmers.add(new ComparableAssociation(new Integer(21), "Diane"));
 *      programmers.add(new ComparableAssociation(new Integer(21), "Lida"));    
 *      programmers.add(new ComparableAssociation(new Integer(20), "Rob"));     
 *      programmers.add(new ComparableAssociation(new Integer(20), "Sean"));    
 *      //print out programmers 
 *      while(!programmers.{@link #isEmpty()}){
 *          ComparableAssociation p = (ComparableAssociation)programmers.{@link #remove()};
 *          System.out.println(p.getValue() + " is " + p.getKey() + " years old.");
 *      }
 * }
* @version $Id: VectorHeap.java 22 2006-08-21 19:27:26Z bailey $ * @author, 2001 duane a. bailey */ public class VectorHeap> implements PriorityQueue { /** * The data, kept in heap order. */ protected Vector data; // the data, kept in heap order /** * Construct a new priority queue * * @post constructs a new priority queue */ public VectorHeap() { data = new Vector(); } /** * Construct a new priority queue from an unordered vector * * @post constructs a new priority queue from an unordered vector */ public VectorHeap(Vector v) { int i; data = new Vector(v.size()); // we know ultimate size for (i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { // add elements to heap add(v.get(i)); } } /** * Returns parent index * @param i a node index * @return parent of node at i * @pre 0 <= i < size * @post returns parent of node at location i */ protected static int parent(int i) { return (i-1)/2; } /** * Returns left child index. * @param i a node index * @return left child of node at i * @pre 0 <= i < size * @post returns index of left child of node at location i */ protected static int left(int i) { return 2*i+1; } /** * Returns right child index. * @param i a node index * @return right child of node at i * @pre 0 <= i < size * @post returns index of right child of node at location i */ protected static int right(int i) { return 2*(i+1); } /** * Fetch lowest valued (highest priority) item from queue. * * @pre !isEmpty() * @post returns the minimum value in priority queue * * @return The smallest value from queue. */ public E getFirst() { return data.get(0); } /** * Returns the minimum value from the queue. * * @pre !isEmpty() * @post returns and removes minimum value from queue * * @return The minimum value in the queue. */ public E remove() { E minVal = getFirst(); data.set(0,data.get(data.size()-1)); data.setSize(data.size()-1); if (data.size() > 1) pushDownRoot(0); return minVal; } /** * Add a value to the priority queue. * * @pre value is non-null comparable * @post value is added to priority queue * * @param value The value to be added. */ public void add(E value) { data.add(value); percolateUp(data.size()-1); } /** * Determine if the queue is empty. * * @post returns true iff no elements are in queue * * @return True if the queue is empty. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return data.size() == 0; } /** * Moves node upward to appropriate position within heap. * @param leaf Index of the node in the heap. * @pre 0 <= leaf < size * @post moves node at index leaf up to appropriate position */ protected void percolateUp(int leaf) { int parent = parent(leaf); E value = data.get(leaf); while (leaf > 0 && (value.compareTo(data.get(parent)) < 0)) { data.set(leaf,data.get(parent)); leaf = parent; parent = parent(leaf); } data.set(leaf,value); } /** * Moves node downward, into appropriate position within subheap. * @param root Index of the root of the subheap. * @pre 0 <= root < size * @post moves node at index root down * to appropriate position in subtree */ protected void pushDownRoot(int root) { int heapSize = data.size(); E value = data.get(root); while (root < heapSize) { int childpos = left(root); if (childpos < heapSize) { if ((right(root) < heapSize) && ((data.get(childpos+1)).compareTo (data.get(childpos)) < 0)) { childpos++; } // Assert: childpos indexes smaller of two children if ((data.get(childpos)).compareTo (value) < 0) { data.set(root,data.get(childpos)); root = childpos; // keep moving down } else { // found right location data.set(root,value); return; } } else { // at a leaf! insert and halt data.set(root,value); return; } } } /** * Determine the size of the queue. * * @post returns number of elements within queue * * @return The number of elements within the queue. */ public int size() { return data.size(); } /** * Remove all the elements from the queue. * * @post removes all elements from queue */ public void clear() { data.clear(); } /** * Construct a string representation of the heap. * * @post returns string representation of heap * * @return The string representing the heap. */ public String toString() { return ""; } }