import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Arrays; class BinarySearch { public static void main(String[] args) { Integer[] data = {-91, -70, 74, -18, 10, 86, 75, -49, -44, 73}; System.out.println("Input: " + Arrays.toString(data)); InsertionSort.sort(data, (x,y) -> x - y); System.out.println("Sorted input: " + Arrays.toString(data)); System.out.println("Found -49 at index = " + search(data, -49, (x,y) -> x - y)); System.out.println("Found 86 at index = " + search(data, 86, (x,y) -> x - y)); System.out.println("Found 1 at index = " + search(data, 1, (x,y) -> x - y)); } /** * This method searches for the given element in the given * array. It returns the index of the element if it is found, * otherwise, it returns -1. The given array must be in * sorted order. * @param arr An array of type. * @param elem The element to search for. * @param c A comparator. * @return The index of the element, or -1. */ public static int search(E[] arr, E elem, Comparator c) { return searchHelper(arr, elem, c, 0, arr.length - 1); } /** * This method searches for the given element in the given * array. It returns the index of the element if it is found, * otherwise, it returns -1. The given array must be in * sorted order. * @param arr An array. * @param elem The element to search for. * @param c A comparator. * @param lo The lower index bound of the search. * @param hi The upper index bound of the search. * @return The index of the element, or -1. */ private static int searchHelper(E[] arr, E elem, Comparator c, int lo, int hi) { // base case #1: not found if (lo > hi) { return -1; } // calculate the midpoint int mid = (hi - lo) / 2 + lo; // is the midpoint the element we are looking for? int cmp =, arr[mid]); // do a comparison // base case #2: found if (cmp == 0) { return mid; // recursive case #1: elem is to the left of mid } else if (cmp < 0) { return searchHelper(arr, elem, c, lo, mid - 1); // recursive case #2: elem is to the right of mid } else { return searchHelper(arr, elem, c, mid + 1, hi); } } } class InsertionSort { /** * Sorts the array in place using insertion sort. * @param data An array. * @param c A comparator. */ public static void sort(E[] data, Comparator c) { int numSorted = 1; while (numSorted < data.length) { // this is the next unsorted value; copy it E temp = data[numSorted]; // find where to insert it, shifting other values // over if necessary int i; for (i = numSorted; i > 0; i--) { if (, data[i-1]) < 0) { data[i] = data[i-1]; } else { break; } } // insert unsorted value into correct place data[i] = temp; numSorted++; } } }