import java.util.Comparator; import structure5.*; class BubbleSort { /** * Swaps the two elements in arr at index i and at index j. * @param arr A vector of type E. * @param i a valid index into arr. * @param j another valid index into arr. * @return Nothing, except that the two elements are swapped in-place. */ public static void swap(Vector arr, int i, int j) { E temp = arr.get(i); arr.set(i, arr.get(j)); arr.set(j, temp); } /** * A sort method that performs an in-place comparison sort (bubble sort). * @param data A vector containing data of type E. * @param c A comparator for type E. * @return Nothing, except that data is sorted in-place. */ public static void sort(Vector data, Comparator c) { for (int numSorted = 0; numSorted < data.size(); numSorted++) { for (int i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) { if (, data.get(i)) > 0) { swap(data, i-1, i); } } } } }