CSCI 136 :: Fall 2020

Data Structures & Advanced Programming

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Optional Lab : revisit Lab 2 with hash tables

This lab handout describes an optional exercise to explore some of the benefits of hash tables. In our second lab, we used the Vector and Association classes to implement "map" functionality, although we didn't call it that at the time. By revisiting our lab 2 implementation, we hope to demonstrate the power of hash tables—both their performance and interface. We also hope that you can see how far you've come this semester!

Step 1: Lab Program

Consider the following three quotes:

 Call me Ishmael.  Some years ago--never mind how long
 precisely--having repeatedly smelt the spleen respectfully, not to
 say reverentially, of a bad cold in his grego pockets, and throwing
 grim about with his tomahawk from the bowsprit?

 Call me Ishmael.  Some years ago--never mind how long
 precisely--having little or no money in my purse, and nothing
 particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a
 little and see the watery part of the world.

 Call me Ishmael, said I to myself.  We hast seen that the lesser man is
 far more prevalent than winds from the fishery.

The second quote is the first sentence of Herman Melville’s 1851 novel, Moby Dick. The other two quotes were generated “in Melville’s style” using a simple algorithm developed by Claude Shannon in 1948 [footnote: 1]. You will implement Shannon’s algorithm in this week’s lab.

Level 0 analysis

The following algorithm is based on letter probability distributions. Imagine taking the novel Tom Sawyer and counting the frequency with which each character occurs. You’d probably find that spaces are the most common, that the character 'e' is fairly common, and that the character 'q' is rather uncommon. After completing this level 0 analysis, you’d be able to produce Tom Sawyer-esque text based on character frequencies. The idea is to randomly select each character based on the probability of it’s occurrence in the text. This random text wouldn’t have much in common with the real novel, but characters would tend to appear with the same proportions. In fact, here’s an example of what a level 0 analysis might produce:

rla bsht eS ststofo hhfosdsdewno oe wee h .mr ae irii ela
iad o r te u t mnyto onmalysnce, ifu en c fDwn oee iteo

Level 1 analysis

Now imagine doing a slightly more sophisticated level 1 analysis by determining the frequency with which each character follows every other character. You would probably discover that 'h' is more likely to follow 't' than 'x', and you would probably discover that a space follows '.' more frequently than ',' does.

More concretely, if you are analyzing the text "the theater is their thing", 'e' appears after ‘h' three times, and 'i' appears after 'h' one time; no other letters appear after 'h'. So, given this example,

Using a level 1 analysis, you could produce randomly generated Tom Sawyer-esque text by 1) picking a character, and then 2) always choosing the next character based on the probability of the next character given the chosen character. Here’s an example of level 1 random text:

"Shand tucthiney m?" le ollds mind Theybooure
He, he s whit Pereg lenigabo Jodind alllld ashanthe ainofevids tre
lin--p asto oun theanthadomoere

Level k analysis

Now imagine doing a level k analysis by determining the probability with which each character follows every possible sequence of characters of length k. For example, a level 5 analysis of Tom Sawyer would reveal that 'r' follows "Sawye" more frequently than any other character. After a level k analysis, you would be able to generate Tom Sawyer-esque text by always choosing the next character based on the previous k characters and the probabilities revealed by the analysis.

At only a moderate level of analysis (levels 5—7), randomly-generated text begins to take on many of the characteristics of the source text. It probably won’t make complete sense, but you’ll be able to tell that it was derived from Tom Sawyer as opposed to, say, Moby Dick. Here are some more examples:

     (Level 2:) "Yess been." for gothin, Tome oso; ing, in to
         weliss of an'te cle - armit. Papper a comeasione, and smomenty,
         fropeck hinticer, sid, a was Tom, be suck tied. He sis tred a
         youck to themen

     (Level 4) en themself, Mr. Welshman, but him awoke, the
         balmy shore. I'll give him that he couple overy because in the
         slated snufflindeed structure's kind was rath. She said that the
         wound the door a fever eyes that WITH him.

     (Level 6:) people had eaten, leaving. Come - didn't stand it
         better judgment; His hands and bury it again, tramped herself!
         She'd never would be. He found her spite of anything the one was a
         prime feature sunset, and hit upon that of the forever.

     (Level 8:) look-a-here - I told you before, Joe. I've heard
         a pin drop. The stillness was complete, however, this is awful
         crime, beyond the village was sufficient. He would be a good
         enough to get that night, Tom and Becky.

     (Level 10:) you understanding that they don't come around in
         the cave should get the word "beauteous" was over-fondled, and
         that together" and decided that he might as we used to do - it's
         nobby fun. I'll learn you."

Once we have processed input text and stored it in a table structure that allows us to check probabilities, we pick k letters (for example, the first k in the input text) to use as a “seed” for our new text. Then we choose subsequent characters based on the preceding k characters and their probability information.

For now, we will focus on implementing a level 2 analysis. That is, we will compute the next character to print based on the previous two characters only.

Program Design

When thinking about the design, focus on what would constitute a good data structure for this problem. Your data structure needs to keep a table of info and be able to support two key operations:

You might try to save the frequency information in a big array, but the size will quickly become too large. For k = 2, you would need a three-dimensional array whose size is about 27,000 entries if you include blanks and punctuation. For larger k, the number of entries grows rapidly.

Instead, you will develop a Table class which is implemented using a Hashtable<String,FrequencyList>: each key should be a k-character sequence (stored as a String), and the associated value should be a FrequencyList. FrequencyList is a class that keeps track of which characters appear after the given sequence, along with a frequency.

There are many ways to implement a frequency list. A good start is… another Hashtable! The frequency list’s Hashtable<String,Integer> should consists of single-character keys (which can be stored simply as a String) and values that are the counts of the number of times that a given letter occurs after the k-character sequence with which the list is associated (stored as an Integer). Think carefully about what methods the frequency list needs and any instance variables that might be useful.

The data structure design built from these two classes has the benefit of requiring only as many entries as necessary for the given input text. You may find it helpful to look carefully at the word frequency program in Section 3.3 of Bailey.

Your main method for the program should be written in a third class, WordGen, which reads the input text, builds the table, and prints out a randomly-generated string based on the character sequence probabilities from the input text.

To summarize, you will write three classes for this lab: Table, FrequencyList, and WordGen. Revisit your design from Lab 2! What does each class do? Allocate the functionality in the appropriate location. Your Wordgen class should handle parsing the input text, and calling table.add(String kStr, String nextChar), which should find (or create) the frequency list associated with kStr, then call freqList.add(nextChar) on that FrequencyList object. To generate new text, you Wordgen class should call table.generateOneLetter(kStr), which should find the frequency list associated with kStr, and then call freqList.sample() on that FrequencyList object.

How To Proceed

Since this activity is 100% optional, we hope that you work with any number of friends if that helps you to learn (or have fun!). You all have Lab 2 repositories on evolene—these are great starting points. You can directly edit your files from your old submission, you can copy your WordGen, Table, and FrequencyList files to a new directory within your repository, or you could create a branch. It is completely up to you! If you wish to work collaboratively and you would benefit from having a shared space to do so, reach out to one of the instructors and we can create an empty repository for you and any friends you'd like us to add.

Food for Thought

There are a few questions we encourage you to think about as you work on this activity.

Optional A Deeper Dive: Word-level Analysis.

This section (like the lab) is completely optional. However, we feel it is an interesting extension and we encourage you to explore it.

Instead of working at the character level, you could work at the word level. How would this affect your program design? If you designed your classes appropriately, your and classesneed not change. Does word-level analysis make the results better or worse in any way? Is your word-level analysis more or less sensitive to your choice of k? Why?

[1] Claude Shannon, “A mathematical theory of communication”, Bell System Technical Journal, 1948. Shannon’s technique was popularized by A.K. Dewdney’s A potpourri of programmed prose and prosody that appeared in Scientific American, 122-TK, 1989.