CSCI 136 :: Fall 2020

Data Structures & Advanced Programming

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Midterm Exam Material

The exam may include anything we covered in assigned lecture videos or in lab up to and including Sorting. The lecture videos often correspond to (supplementary) readings from Java Structures (Chapters 1-7 and Chapter 9). You may wish to review some of these chapters if there are concepts that were unclear or where you would like to practice. However, we will not be including any questions on material that was not discussed in the assigned lecture videos or assigned labs.

Key Course Topics

The following non-exhaustive list may be helpful to recall some of the key topics we have covered:

Some Strategies for Studying

There are many ways to approach studying, and ultimately, there is no one strategy that is works "best" for everyone. Our hope is that you will use this page decide the best way for you to prepare. Below we have listed some resources that are available to you.