CSCI 136 :: Fall 2020

Data Structures & Advanced Programming

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Final Exam Details

There are nine problems on this exam, but for full credit, you only need to answer six of the nine problems. There are two categories of problems: A and B. You may select any six problems to answer as long as at least two problems are from category B.

If for some reason you answer more than six questions, clearly indicate which of the six questions that you would like us to grade.

Some solutions might benefit from the use of multiple data structures.

Your responses will be evaluated based on the following criteria

You do not need write any Java code.

Although we strongly encourage you to perform calculations, draw pictures, and/or draft answers on scratch paper, we cannot grade this work. Please make sure that the answers you submit represent the work that you would like us to consider.

Exam Logistics

Once we have sent all students into private Zoom breakout rooms, you will have 2.5 hours to complete this exam. Here is what that means:

Available Resources

Because we care more about problem-solving than memorization, you may consult select materials during your exam-taking period.

However, you may not use any search engines or public webpages, and you may not discuss any exam questions with anyone else, during or after the exam.

Glow Particulars

GLOW may attempt to assign a "grade" as soon as you submit your exam. If this happens, ignore that grade as it is not a reflection of how we will be evaluating your work. We are intentionally not attempting to use the autograding features in GLOW because they are misleading; we will carefully review your exams by hand and provide the same individualized feedback that we would to a physical exam.